
"SmoothMe" Smoothies.

Developed in Figma. Click and order a LARGE Blueberry smoothie with a Blueberry TOPPING from the drop-down list. (Use your back browser button to return.)

Be Seated Contemporary Sofas and Decor

Under development in Figma: Click on Neutrals and select The Haizan, add to cart and check out!
(Use your back browser button to return.)

Visit Dublin...The Friendliest City on Earth!

Developed in Figma. Best sites and attractions, place to eat and stay. Most of the links are live! (Use your back browser button to return.)

What CAN I Eat?

Developed in Adob XD. An app for healthier eating. Follow the prompts to the "Your Healing Foods" and click on the Fats and Oils to continue. (Use your back browser button to return.)

Summer is coming! Time to hit the beach!

Developed in Figma. Follow the steps to book the Gulf Giant Beach House and learn what there is to see and do in Surfside Beach! (Use your back browser button to return.)